11 Unbelievable Stories of Lost Historical Artifacts Found in Ordinary Homes

From hidden basements to dusty attics and locked rooms, the most common places in our homes can sometimes hold the rarest treasures. These 11 incredible stories of lost historical artifacts discovered in the most unexpected locations reveal that you never know what priceless relics are beneath your feet. Whether it’s an ancient coin tucked away in an old drawer, a forgotten painting gathering dust in a corner, or a historical document hidden in the pages of an old book, these finds remind us that extraordinary pieces of history can turn up in the most ordinary places. Each story showcases a unique journey of discovery, proving that you don’t need to visit a museum to encounter history—you might find it in your own home.

The Declaration of Independence in a Picture Frame

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A man from Pennsylvania bought an old picture frame at a flea market for only about $4. He took it home and broke it into pieces, and behind the photo, he found an original print of the Declaration of Independence.  A few of the 24 known copies of this unique document were later sold for more than $2 million.

Roman Coins in a Backyard Garden

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A couple living in Britain was digging in their backyard when they discovered a trove of Roman coins. In all, 522,000 coins from the third century AD were found. The Frome Hoard, as it is currently known, is one of the most significant collections of Roman coins that have been found in Britain.

A Picasso Behind the Couch

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While cleaning, a man in New York City spotted a Picasso painting stashed behind his couch. It was said that the picture, “The Woman with the Red Beret,” had been lost. It turned out to be a real piece worth millions of dollars that had been missing for years.

Civil War Sword in the Attic

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A family in Tennessee was cleaning out their attic one day when they saw a Civil War sword wrapped in an old piece of cloth and found out the sword belonged to their great-great-grandfather, who had fought in the war. This family heirloom is now displayed in a local museum.

Viking Treasure in the Garage

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A Viking treasure was found in Norway after a garage sale. A man noticed a pair of Viking jewelry and coins within an old box he had bought. These more than millennium-old artifacts offer fascinating insights into Viking trade and society.

The 1774 Almanac in a Book Collection

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A guy in Hampshire came across a rare 1774 almanac while going through the books belonging to his late grandfather. In a future review, it was found that this almanac, with its historical details and handwritten messages, provided a glimpse into pre-Revolutionary America, thus making it a historical artifact found in a home.

Ancient Egyptian Scarab in a Jewelry Box

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An Ohio woman’s grandma left her a jewelry box. On opening it, she found an old Egyptian scarab amulet within. Researchers estimated its age to be more than 3,000 years old, making it an important discovery that lit ancient Egyptian customs, principles, and beliefs.

Old Master Painting in a Closet

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Years ago, a family in Italy discovered a painting locked up in their closet. It turned out that Caravaggio, an Old Artist, painted it. The historical scene-themed painting is worth more than $100 million.

World War II Enigma Machine in the Basement

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A family in Germany located a World War II Enigma machine in their basement while repairing their house. It was an incredible find to find one of these machines in such immaculate shape, given the Nazis used them for protecting secret communications.

The Missing Fabergé Egg on a Mantelpiece

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For $14,000, a US scrap metal dealer purchased a gold egg to melt it down and make money. Upon further investigation, he discovered it was a lost Fabergé egg. One of the few pieces that survived from the collection created for the Tsars of Russia, this rare discovery fetched over $33 million.


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These stories can remind us that even the most ordinary places may have unbelievable artifacts from the past. Every discovery, no matter what value it holds—a magnificent artifact or a simple family heirloom—connects us to the past and tells us more about history. Thus, the next time you clean your garage or attic, give it a closer look; you never know what kind of hidden treasures you might find there.

14 Cars with a Reputation for Running Forever and Why They Outperform the Rest

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In the dynamic world of automobiles, some cars stand out for their remarkable longevity and enduring performance. These road warriors have earned a reputation for running seemingly forever, outpacing their counterparts. This article will explore 14 such vehicles and the reasons behind their legendary durability.

14 Cars With A Reputation For Running Forever And Why They Outperform The Rest

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