Our Grandparents are there to help look out for us when we’re young and give us treats when our parents aren’t looking. As we grow older, we realize that are Grandparents are much more valuable than we thought. We take a look at 20 survival skills much more
Here are 15 life-changing tips your grandparents might have wished they’d shared with you when you were younger:
Save Early, Save Often

“Save Early, Save Often” might sound cliche, but our grandparents know this is a truth to live by. Compound interest means you can save small and reap the rewards when you are older. The earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow, which means you have a better chance of surviving sticky financial situations.
First Aid with Common Plants

Many plants possess natural healing properties for everything from cuts to coughs and cols. Grandparents teach us to use plants like aloe vera for burns or plantain leaves for wound dressings, which come in very handy when medical help is not nearby.
Navigation by the Stars

Celestial navigation is a timeless skill that has been passed down through generations. This technique involves using the positions of stars, the sun, the moon, and planets to determine our position, which many of us are taught by our grandparents.

Knowing how to build a fire without matches or a lighter is a fundamental survival skill. Your grandparents likely knew methods like rubbing sticks together to create a friction fire or using flint and steel. While many of us learn these skills in scouts and survival classes its the lessons with our grandparents that stick most.
Travel While You Can

Embracing new cultures and broadening your horizons by traveling is something your grandparents may not have been able to do, but they want you to have this experience. Creating memories that will last a lifetime should happen as soon as possible is a way to stay happy and enrich our lives.
Relationships Are Everything

Investing time and effort in nurturing relationships with family and friends is what your Grandparents would have wanted to instill in you. Your family and friends will be there for you through thick and thin, so you should learn to apologize and move forward.
Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Life is a constant learning curve so mistakes are inevitable. Your Grandparents will have wanted to share their own stories of missteps, highlighting how they grew from those experiences. You should keep them in mind when you remember even the most successful people have failed and got back up again.
Sewing and Repair Skills

Mending clothes, replacing buttons, or patching a hole in a tent were essential skills not so long ago. These skills have diminished with the rise of fast fashion and mass production but going back to basics can save you from being caught unprepared.
Food Preservation Techniques

Canning, pickling, and drying food are common practices that can save you money and help you out when food is short. These skills can help you store food safely without relying on refrigeration.
Learn a New Skill Every Year

Like any muscle your brain needs exercise to stay sharp. Learning new skills and taking on challenges improves our cognitive ability. Our Grandparents understand the importance of keeping the memory fresh as they enter a decline in their cognitive abilities as they age, so keep this advice in mind if you want to stay in good mental shape.
Live Below Your Means

Don’t fall into the trap of keeping up with the Joneses, as your Grandparents may have done. Living within your means creates a financial safety net and takes into account unexpected expenses, job loss, or medical bills. Focusing on life’s experiences without worrying about finances makes life much easier.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Life is full of minor inconveniences and frustrations. Traffic jams, spilled coffee, or a lost sock might be annoying, but they don’t define your day. Listen to your grandparents’ voices in your ear, learn to let go of the small stuff, and focus your energy on what truly matters in life.
Basic Carpentry and Tool Use

The ability to build basic furniture, fix a broken tool handle, or use a saw safely are all valuable skills. Hiring tradespeople can be expensive and often difficult to find, so DIY skills can be lifesavers.
Tell the People You Love How You Feel

Don’t take your loved ones for granted. Expressing your appreciation and affection regularly by saying a simple “I love you,” “I appreciate you,” or “I’m proud of you.” This can significantly impact the person hearing it and strengthen your bond with people who care about you.
Embrace Change

Actual growth often happens when you step outside your comfort zone. Embrace change as an opportunity to learn new things, develop new skills, and become more well-rounded. When faced with change, you’re forced to adapt and find new solutions. This can spark creativity and innovation, leading to unexpected breakthroughs.
Calm Anxious Nerves With Lavender

The aroma of lavender, primarily due to its main component, linalool, interacts with the olfactory system. These signals reach the brain’s limbic system, which plays a crucial role in regulating emotions and processing stress.
Laugh Often

Laughter is the best medicine is a phrase that you will likely have heard from your Grandparents, even if they wish they had told you to laugh more. Laughter is a natural mood booster, as it releases endorphins that can chase away the blues and leave you feeling happy and optimistic.
Barter and Negotiation

While money may not hold value in every situation the ability to barter and trade can be crucial. If you’re ever stuck for cash and need to negotiate then listen to the wise words your grandparents once told you.
Never Give Up

Talent and intelligence are necessary, but true success often hinges on grit, something your Grandparents have likely experienced. Don’t see failure as the end; see it as a valuable lesson. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward.
Soothe Sunburn With Milk Compresses

Using milk compresses to soothe sunburns is something everybody wishes their grandparent had told them. Soaking a washcloth in cold milk and applying it to the skin adds instant relief when we have made the mistake of staying in the sun too long.
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