12 Countries Offering Free Education to Expats

If you’re thinking about relocating but are worried about the cost of educating your children, it is free in certain countries. We look at 12 Countries Offering Free Education to Expats:


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Germany is renowned for its robust education system. Public universities have been tuition-free for both domestic and international students since 2014, only requiring nominal administrative fees. As this policy covers both elementary and secondary education it makes it a desirable location for families with foreign children. Germany has a number of foreign schools that offer English lessons as well as a network of tutors that can support your family.


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Norway offers free education for school children and young people attending public universities. Free education is available to both Norwegian citizens and expat students alike. Because of the nation’s dedication to education, foreign families can attend leading schools without having to pay a lot of money. Additionally, many Norwegian schools offer curricula in English, which allows expat children to integrate more easily. 


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Finland’s education system is globally acclaimed for its excellence. Public education is free for everyone, including expats and covers all levels from primary to university. Finnish schools emphasize holistic development, less homework and more interactive learning. Many schools also offer bilingual programs, helping expat children adjust with ease.


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All Danes, foreigners included, are entitled to free education at public schools and colleges. Danish people pride themselves on pushing for an educational system that promotes critical thinking and creativity within all children. Examples of this are seen in small class sizes, forest schools, and independent play-based learning. Danish schools are widely available to foreign students in English, making education more accessible. Also, there’s, free higher education and career training are provided throughout the country for older children and adults. 


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Sweden offers free education for all children residing in the country, including expats.The inclusion and emphasis on the welfare of students of the Swedish educational system are well-known. Higher education is also tuition-free for residents of the European Union and other select countries like the United Sates, providing affordable learning opportunities for expat families. Several international schools offer English lesson support, aiding an easier adjustment for non-Swedish-speaking students.


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France provides free public education from primary school through university. This policy is extended to expat children residing in the country. The French education system is rigorous and well-regarded globally. Also, many French cities host international schools with bilingual programs, ensuring that expat children can continue their education without language barriers.


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Spain offers free education at public schools for all residents, including expats. The Spanish education system is comprehensive and provides various extracurricular activities. Higher education is also affordable, with low tuition fees for public universities. Many international schools in Spain offer additional lessons in English so your children don’t feel overwhelmed. 


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Austria provides free education for all children living in the country, including expats. The Austrian education system emphasizes academic excellence and practical skills. Public universities in Austria are also tuition-free, making it an attractive destination for expat families seeking affordable education.


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Italy offers free education at public schools to all residents, including expats. The Italian education system is known for its strong emphasis on arts and humanities. Public universities in Italy have minimal tuition fees, making higher education accessible. Many international schools in Italy also offer English, as with most of the schools on this list.

Czech Republic

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The Czech Republic offers free education at public schools and universities for residents, including expats. The Czech education system is well-regarded for its quality and comprehensiveness. While the primary language of instruction is Czech, many universities offer programs in English, making it accessible for international students.


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Unlike many countries, Icelandic universities do not charge tuition fees to international students. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking higher education without the burden of hefty tuition costs. There’s some administration fee that parents need to cover but they are usually affordable for people moving to the country. 


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Greece offers free education for its citizens but the system can be challenging to navigate for expat families. Public schools operate in Greek, which can be a barrier for children who don’t speak the language. Many expat families opt for private or international schools, which offer instruction in English and other languages. While these schools come with tuition fees, they provide a smoother transition for children and often follow familiar curricula.

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