8 Hidden Dangers in Your Morning Routine

As the day begins with the sunrise, our preplanned, robotic routine starts with a bang. Routine is important in many aspects and mainly helps in achieving bigger goals. However, another side to this vicious cycle has often been ignored. Some morning routine rituals can pose potential dangers to one’s health in the long run.

Some of these hidden dangers are discussed below to provide insight regarding these rituals. Acknowledging and understanding these factors can help one plan their day for a healthier lifestyle.

Lack of Adequate Sleep

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Waking up early in the morning is considered a key to success. Many international celebrities and business icons like Taylor Swift, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg have an early morning start. Being impressed by someone is natural, but following in their footsteps can be misleading. As the saying goes, “The crow started walking like a swan and forgot its own gait.” There can never be a single solution to everyone’s problems.

Early mornings may sound good and healthy, but this can’t be true for everyone. Some people have to work late at night, and starting the next day early may not be as healthy as it sounds. Lack of sleep and an overall anxious demeanor can be the result of this forced early morning start.

Caffeine Intake

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Caffeine intake has been normalized over the past decade. In fact, it has been considered a status symbol. Different high-tech, fancy coffee machines are available in the market, and they are also trending on Instagram. However, research shows that caffeine is not necessarily a healthy option, particularly as the first thing in the morning. Some people make a forced choice to drink coffee to give a kick-start to the day ahead. A forced early start combined with caffeine intake leads to a significantly compromised lifestyle, which can have adverse effects on one’s health.

Rushing and Anxiety

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We live in a complicated world running at its own pace. In order to survive and thrive, one has to keep up with the pace. In doing so, we may lose our own balance. This self-reinforcing cycle of late-night work and early mornings can increase anxiety levels, making one more vulnerable. Rushing to work early in the morning can have a real negative impact on the rest of the day, leading to high levels of anxiety and depression.

Screen Time

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This is a digital era where newspapers have been replaced with electronic news. People start and end their day with mobile phones in their hands, as the internet is an easy and cheap source of news and entertainment for everyone. Sleep-deprived eyes bearing a load of blue light exposure early in the morning can overwhelm the whole body. This can have a lasting effect on the long day ahead, filling it with anxiety.

Poor Breakfast

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Many people start their day without breakfast, even though breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Many readily available breakfast choices are unhealthy. Options high in sugar and high caffeine intake are mostly consumed. These poor choices are a leading cause of many health issues, even in younger generations. The pressure of reaching work on time often makes one consider these unhealthy options.

Less Exposure to Sunlight

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This 21st-century work style is opposite to human anatomy. Most job options are indoor and sedentary, incompatible with our health. Waking up early and rushing throughout the day, completing one task after another gives little chance to absorb any sunlight. Sunlight is full of vitamin D, which answers several medical issues many of us face. Morning routines should be planned to include some outdoor activities to let the body nourish and flourish.

Poor Oral Hygiene

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Oral hygiene is important for human health, as it greatly impacts our teeth and gut health. A haphazard morning starts with a compromised lifestyle, leading to compromised results. Cheap toothpaste, improper brushing, and inadequate flossing can drastically affect oral health, bad breath, and even heart disease.

Inadequate Hydration

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About 55 to 60% of the human body is made up of water, which shows the importance of water for the proper functioning of our body. Water is often ignored, and people start their day with strong caffeine options instead. Inadequate hydration can lead to many health problems, including headaches, concentration issues, and decreased cognitive function.


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Early mornings alone are not the answer to all our problems. In fact, waking up early and making poor choices can further complicate things. These eight points provide a peek into this complicated matter. Proper planning of the day ahead, along with the selection of healthy choices, is critical. When you multiply a negative by a positive, the answer is always negative; therefore, it is important to select all positive things for a positive result.

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