20 Hidden Dangers Lurking in Common Wellness Products You Trust

There’s more focus on mental health and wellbeing than ever before and the market is flooded with products that promise amazing results. From metals in makeup to misleading food labels, we look at 20 hidden dangers of common wellbeing products that could be doing more harm than good:

Harmful Preservatives in Skincare Products

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Skincare products, such as moisturizers and foundations, contain parabens and preservatives that extend their shelf life, but these chemicals have shown to disrupt  hormones. To avoid harmful preservatives, look for brands that use natural alternatives like vitamin E or grapefruit seed extract.

Metals in Makeup

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Over time, the body accumulates trace levels of lead, mercury, and cadmium found in some cosmetics, such as eyeliners and lipsticks. Because these chemicals can cause organ damage and neurological problems, it is better to choose products that go through extensive safety testing.

Endocrine Disruptors in Sunscreen

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Some popular sunscreens contain oxybenzone, which is known to interfere with hormone function. Studies have linked oxybenzone to reproductive issues and skin allergies, therefore  mineral-based sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide offer safer sun protection.

Artificial Fragrances in Essential Oils

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While essential oils are often marketed as natural and therapeutic, some contain synthetic fragrances that can trigger allergies, headaches, and respiratory problems. Always check for 100% pure essential oils and avoid those with added artificial scents.

Microplastics in Exfoliating Scrubs

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Many exfoliating scrubs contain tiny plastic beads that pollute waterways and can make their way back into our food supply. Microplastic also accumulates in oceans, harming marine life, so opting for natural exfoliants like sugar, salt, or ground apricot kernels is better for you and the environment.

Carcinogens in Dry Shampoo

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Some aerosol dry shampoos contain benzene which is a known carcinogen that can lead to some types of cancer. Frequent use of dry shampoo can expose you to harmful levels of this toxic chemical, so you should use powder-based alternatives with natural ingredients like arrowroot or cornstarch.

Mold Contamination in Supplements

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Many herbal supplements are not tested for mold or heavy metal contamination, which exposes customers to respiratory issues and weakened immunity. You should always buy supplements from reputable brands with third-party testing to avoid any harm.

Phthalates in Scented Candles

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Scented candles often contain phthalates, which help fragrances last longer but can cause hormone imbalances and respiratory issues when they’re burned. Instead, invest in candles made from soy or beeswax that are scented with natural essential oils.

Pesticide Residues in Herbal Teas

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Herbal teas are often advertised as a natural way to boost health, but some contain pesticide residues that can wipe out any benefits. It’s best to choose organic teas that are pesticide-free teas to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals.

Formaldehyde in Nail Polish

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Many commercial nail polishes contain formaldehyde, a preservative that has been classified as a human carcinogen. Searching for non-toxic substitutes can help prevent the skin irritation and respiratory problems that can result from prolonged contact to formaldehyde. 

Aluminum in Deodorants

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Antiperspirants often contain aluminum compounds to block sweat glands and research has linked aluminum exposure to diseases such as  breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Where possible, consider switching to natural deodorants that contain baking soda or magnesium.

Fluoride in Tap Water

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Fluoride is added to water in major cities to prevent tooth decay, but excessive consumption has been linked to thyroid issues and bone weaknesses. To reduce the risk of fluoride issues, use a high-quality water filter or purchase bottled water as well as choosing a fluoride-free toothpaste.

Artificial Sweeteners in Protein Powders

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Many popular protein powders contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose, which can cause digestive and metabolism issues. Plant-based or whey protein powders are a safer option as they’re sweetened with natural alternatives like stevia or monk fruit.

Toxic Dyes in Health Drinks

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Brightly colored wellness drinks often contain synthetic dyes linked to hyperactivity and allergies. Some artificial colorings, like Red 40 and Yellow 5, have potential carcinogenic properties. Stick to beverages with natural fruit and vegetable extracts for color.

Talc in Baby Products

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Talc is commonly found in baby powder and body powders and has been linked to ovarian cancer and respiratory issues. Products containing talc should be avoided and natural alternatives are a safer alternative.

Mercury in Fish Oil Supplements

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Some fish oil supplements contain mercury and other heavy metals from contamination at sea. You should always choose purified fish oil or plant-based omega-3 sources like algae oil, if you want to boost your brain and heart health. 

Propylene Glycol in Moisturizers

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Propylene glycol is a common ingredient used in moisturizers and lotions, but they can cause skin irritation and allergies in some users.  While generally recognized as safe, some people experience negative reactions. Opt for plant-based alternatives like shea butter or aloe vera.

Hidden Sugars in Granola Bars

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Many granola bars makes claims that they’re healthy and packed with nutrients, but what brands don’t talk about are the high levels of hidden sugars. Too much sugar can lead to blood sugar spikes and weight gain, which is why you should always read ingredient labels carefully and choose bars with wholefood ingredients like nuts and dried fruits.

Glyphosate in Protein Powders

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Non-organic protein powders, such as those made from soy or pea protein, have been shown to contain traces of glyphosate, a controversial herbicide linked to cancer. To stay sage, always select organic, glyphosate-free protein options.

Contaminated Herbal Supplements

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Many herbal supplements are not regulated and may contain undisclosed fillers, heavy metals, or even prescription drugs. Buy from trusted brands that conduct third-party testing to ensure purity and safety.

25 Countries Predicted to Become Economic Superpowers in the Next 20 Years

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The strength of an economy plays a crucial role in various international policies about trade and relations. Certain factors determine the strength of an economy, including population growth, availability of resources, and development and advancement. Here are 25 countries predicted to become economic superpowers in the next 20 years

25 Countries Predicted to Become Economic Superpowers in the Next 20 Years

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